Marie Charrel Ménard

Marie Charrel Ménard discovers art and the taste of beautiful things from childhood through her father, an antique dealer passionate about models, and her mother, a draughtswoman at her leisure. What strikes her: the aesthetics of these objects that pass through time, the total freedom of the spirit of art... What influences her: the attachment to the link between the past and the present, the family homes resounding with the laughter of children and friends.
"I needed to make something beautiful with my hands. I was transcribing everything I saw. I was surrounded by images, paintings and vibrant animation...". The color then becomes her main thread symbol of the strength, life, spontaneous energy that animates the artist. She works on the emotion, the raw inspiration drawn from the vitality of nature that questions. For the artist, art is a way to reveal the world and deepen her knowledge of it: "Matter and color contribute to making it visible".
Marie explores heterogeneous territories that she makes her own. All the territories. From the underwater world, through toys or angels ... Her work is rooted in its environment,
playing with incongruous connections of familiar objects, changes in scale or perspective. She provokes unexpected metaphorical associations tinged with humor, poetry and joy. "Each series begins with an event. For example, the series on angels started with a spiritual quest following the death of a close friend, who became my guardian angel and symbolizes for me the quietude of the soul, the detachment of the human being from the earth. And then I explore, I document my inspirations. It's a long creative process before starting.
If maturation and reflection are necessary before launching into pure creation, Marie does not freeze on a single canvas. She puts her brushes to work on several at once, going back and forth over time. Not to mention her sculptures which require an even longer process.
In this destabilizing re-exploitation, she creates playful and strong works that bear witness to the social and economic realities of today's world. But beyond this reflection and before any intellectual consideration, for the artist: "Making art is vital, not creating is something aberrant, inconceivable". Duly noted!
In her sculptures, Marie is inspired by the